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Thoughts & Inspiration

We arrived back to the base after two weeks of  outreach on Sunday afternoon. Our first week of ministry we camped out in the front yard of a wonderful woman’s house named Mama Mary. We were in a town called Ndori in hte middle of the bush bush with one road in and out. As a pedestrian on this narrow dirt road you would think it’s undrivable and would laugh at a vehicle moving over the road bearly wide enough for a car with a foot deep gully winding down this way and that down the road but 14 of us pilled into the land rover and made the trek over the seemingly impossible terrain. We definitely got closer as a team during the ride!

It was so good to see Paul, Jared and Hezron our hosts after our week away from them during debreif, we all really missed them.

Our week at Ndori was wonderful; much of our ministry consisted of going door to door and sharing with the people in the community. The first house I went to I met a wonderful lady called Magdelina who I will write more about in another blog. In the evenings we held an open air service outside of Mama Mary’s house where we worshipped, someone shared and we watched some inspirational films.

After our week at Ndori we went to a town called Homa Bay and stayed at a pastor’s house in town. It ws a challenging week because on Tuesday I woke up and wasn’t feeling very good and I had a fever so I went to the clinic with KC who wasn’t feeling well either. Turns out KC has Malaria and Typhoid and I have Typhoid. So I rested most of hte week because typhoid takes absolutely everything out of you! While I rested I was able to spend time with the pastor’s wife which was a really great time.

We have been so blessed during these two weeks of outreach. Mama Mary and Pastor Francis welcomed 20 of us into their homes for a week and they treated us like family from the beginning. I have definitely learned what true hospitality is by staying in Africa. Everybody is so welcoming and friendly it blows me away. It is something I want to take back home instead of turning everyone that I don’t know away at the door without even talking to them or offering them a drink. It’s in those small actions that people see Jesus.